Rule 5: Spam is not permitted, this includes creating spam accounts that only serve to provide profile links or advertise products and services.
- Spam is deeply unpopular here. If you are a commercial brand posting advertising or marketing material the benefit of the doubt leans against you.
- Users who don't like commercial entities should use the block and mute functions liberally. You don't have to report them.
- It is not permitted to register or run accounts which exist for the sole or primary purpose of:
- posting profile links
- advertising products and services
- Commercial entities are permitted to have accounts on Infosec.Exchange. We want them to participate meaningfully in the community.
- One post is not spam. One post a day is not spam. More than that might be.
- Posting 2 or more posts a day that have essentially the same content is spamming. Posting essentially the same thing 2 out of 3 days, is also spamming. Repeating yourself a lot (whether robotically or typing) can be spamming.
- Participating in the community requires 2-way conversation. Posting lots of stuff without engaging/discussing is probably spam.
- Sending one unsolicited message to someone is not spam. More than one might be.