Spam is deeply unpopular here. If you are a commercial brand posting advertising or marketing material the benefit of the doubt leans against you.
It is not permitted to register or run accounts which exist for the sole or primary purpose of:
Commercial entities are permitted to have accounts on Infosec.Exchange. We want them to participate meaningfully in the community.
One post is not spam. One post a day is not spam. More than that might be.
Posting 2 or more posts a day that have essentially the same content is spamming. Posting essentially the same thing 2 out of 3 days, is also spamming. Repeating yourself a lot (whether robotically or typing) can be spamming.
Participating in the community requires 2-way conversation. Posting lots of stuff without engaging/discussing is probably spam.
Sending one unsolicited message to someone is not spam. More than one might be.