====== Common Hashtags ====== Following and searching hashtags help us to keep abreast of specific interests. These 'follows' can then be added as RSS feeds to a feed reader of choice for later consumption (if that's your cup'o'sumption). In order to help make Infosec.Exchange a more consistent experience, below is a list of hashtags that have become commonplace within our community. **When [[faq:post_share:content_warning_how_to_use|using a Content Warning (CW)]],** only the hashtags that occur within the CW itself will be searchable, not any that appear in the (initially) hidden content. As such, //be sure to include relevant hashtags to help others find your post in the CW message itself//. ====== Multi-Word Hashtags ====== Note: as [[https://infosec.exchange/@Tam5@mastodon.social|Tam]] [[https://mastodon.social/@Tam5/109305286937210648|points out]], it is helpful to capitalize words in multi-word hashtags -- it makes it easier for [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screen_reader|Screen Readers]] to read them properly, e.g. ''#ScreenReader'' is more accessible to screen reader users than ''#screenreader'' ====== Characters allowed in Hashtags ====== Note: as [[https://infosec.exchange/@pixelnull|pixelnull]] [[https://infosec.exchange/@pixelnull/109362350625453405|notes here]] All punctuation breaks hashtags, except for underscore. ===== Hashtags and Explanation ===== ^ Tag ^ Explanation ^ |#InfoSecExchangeAdmin | Information from admins and moderators of Infosec Exchange, about Infosec Exchange | |#BlueTeam | General defensive related toots| |#CVE | Information about vulnerabilities, often new aka 0days (CVE=Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)| |#DFIR | Digital Forensics / Incident Response | |#DFIRFit | DFIR practitioners sharing their health&well-being updates | |#IOC, #IOCs | Typically used when Indicators Of Compromise (IOC) are shared| |#malware | information about new malware samples, reports, etc. | |#RedTeam | General attack related toots| |#ThreatIntel |Informational CTI toots **RESERVED FOR POSTING THREAT INTEL**| |#ThreatIntelligence |Informational CTI toots **PREFERRED FOR THREAT INTEL RELATED E.G. CAREERS IN THREAT INTEL **| and contextual tags ^ Tag ^ Explanation ^ |# f.ex. #Lazarus| information about specific class/family of malware - covers samples, reports, IOCs | and new job postings-related tags ^ Tag ^ Explanation ^ |#career | Usually related to new job postings| |#CyberCareer | Usually related to new job postings| |#CyberJob(s) | Usually related to new job postings| |#hiring | Usually related to new job postings| |#InfosecJobs | Usually related to new job postings| |#jobs | Usually related to new job postings| |#JobSearch | Usually related to new job postings| |#remote | Usually related to new remote job postings|