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Common Hashtags

Following and searching hashtags help us to keep abreast of specific interests. These 'follows' can then be added as RSS feeds to a feed reader of choice for later consumption (if that's your cup'o'sumption).

In order to help make Infosec.Exchange a more consistent experience, below is a list of hashtags that have become commonplace within our community.

When using a Content Warning (CW), only the hashtags that occur within the CW itself will be searchable, not any that appear in the (initially) hidden content. As such, be sure to include relevant hashtags to help others find your post in the CW message itself.

Multi-Word Hashtags

Note: as Tam points out, it is helpful to capitalize words in multi-word hashtags – it makes it easier for Screen Readers to read them properly, e.g. #ScreenReader is more accessible to screen reader users than #screenreader

Characters allowed in Hashtags

Note: as pixelnull notes here All punctuation breaks hashtags, except for underscore.

Tag Explanation
#BlueTeam General defensive related toots
#CVE Information about vulnerabilities, often new aka 0days (CVE=Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)
#DFIR Digital Forensics / Incident Response
#DFIRFit DFIR practitioners sharing their health&well-being updates
#IOC, #IOCs Typically used when Indicators Of Compromise (IOC) are shared
#malware information about new malware samples, reports, etc.
#RedTeam General attack related toots
#ThreatIntel Informational CTI toots RESERVED FOR POSTING THREAT INTEL

and contextual tags

Tag Explanation
#<malware family> f.ex. #Lazarus information about specific class/family of malware - covers samples, reports, IOCs

and new job postings-related tags

Tag Explanation
#career Usually related to new job postings
#CyberCareer Usually related to new job postings
#CyberJob(s) Usually related to new job postings
#hiring Usually related to new job postings
#InfosecJobs Usually related to new job postings
#jobs Usually related to new job postings
#JobSearch Usually related to new job postings
#remote Usually related to new remote job postings