~~NOCACHE~~ ~~NOTOC~~ ~~Title: Infosec.Exchange ~~
Infosec.Exchange is a Mastodon instance with an [[:about:focus|information security focus but plenty of room for other things]]. It is one of the more popular instances in the fediverse. Infosec.Exchange is [[about:admin|administered by @jerry]] with help from a [[about:moderators|team of moderators]] and some [[:rules:|rules]]. Infosec.Exchange is [[about:hosting|hosted on servers in data centers]] and costs money to run. You can [[about:contribute|chip in to offset those costs]] if you wish to. {{topic>featured&simplelist}} Browse [[:faq:|the full list of FAQs]], or see the categories below: ^Category^Description^ ^[[:about:|About Infosec.Exchange]]|Pages about the Infosec.Exchange instance itself. Admin. Hosting. Donate.| ^[[:rules:|Rules]]|Don't be a jerk| ^[[:faq:safety:|Security]]|Moderation. Guide to reporting problems with people or content.|| ^[[:faq:security:|Security]]|Protect your account. Two-factor authentication/MFA. Security research policy.|| ^[[faq:profile:|Profile]]|Join Infosec.Exchange. Move in, move out. Work with your profile.| ^[[faq:verification:|Verification]]|Blue checkmark 'Verified' emoji fun but meaningless. Prove it's you with rel="me".|| ^[[faq:read_discover:|Read & Discover]]|User interface. Browse. Read. Discover. Follow. Lists. RSS feeds.| ^[[faq:post_share:|Post & Share]]|Alt text. Character limit. Content Warning.| ^[[faq:privacy:|Privacy]]|Direct messages (DMs) are not secure. Privacy policy. Set audience restrictions.|| ^[[faq:mastodon:|Mastodon]]|The software Infosec.Exchange runs on. GitHub. Glitch-soc.| ^[[faq:fediverse:|The fediverse]]|The fediverse: not just Mastodon.||
[[about:help|We strive to make Infosec.Exchange a safe and welcoming instance for everyone]]. We take [[:rules:|our rules]] seriously. If you want to report problematic posts or accounts, start with our [[:faq:safety:guide_to_reporting|guide to reporting on Infosec.Exchange]]. "Don't be a jerk" covers ~90% of [[rules:|the rules]]. {{rss>https://blog.infosec.exchange/feed}} You are reading [[wiki:start|the Infosec.Exchange wiki]], which relies on volunteer editors to extend and improve content ([[wiki:create_account_request_editor_privileges|join us!]]) Recent changes: {{changes>type=create,edit,minor&render= list(nouser signature, nocomments)&count=3}}