====== Rule 7: Lack of a specific rule does not mean something is permitted. ===== * Lack of a specific rule against a certain behavior does not indicate acceptance of that behavior. * Each of us has a limited amount of time in this world: Don't be a jerk. ====== Moderation is not a weapon ====== The moderators' goal is to make the community a good place to talk, debate, discuss, and enjoy each others' company. We are not going to be used to make someone's life miserable. ====== Outcomes, not Process ====== We are focused on outcomes, not process. If applying a rule the way we usually do would produce the wrong outcome, then we're not going to apply the rule that way. Creating a good community outweighs the need to follow a "consistent" process or to treat everyone equally. Inconsistent processes can give the appearance of fickleness and chaos, so we try to be consistent. When faced with the choice of creating a good community or being "consistent", we choose creating a good community. You don't have "right" to an appeal, and you don't have a "right" to demand we follow some specific process. ====== We will make mistakes and we will change our minds ====== We might make a choice the first time something happens and then realise, having learned from that situation, that it was the wrong choice. We might moderate future similar situations differently. ====== Precedent accretes slowly ====== Just because we made a decision a certain way once or twice, that doesn't mean much for the 3rd or 4th similar situation. After we've made dozens or hundreds of similar determinations, precedent matters. But still: see the point about outcomes, not process.